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Thursday, January 14, 2010

In Brief: "Right to die" woman dies. The Straits Times Mon 11 Jan

Welcome to my blog! I don't know how this blog will evolve over time but I do want my first post to be something news worthy, hopefully, that will make you come back for more.

I want to share with you a news extract from the Straits Times below. This is a recent news and some of you may have chanced upon it. Read on and do pen down your comments.

A South Korean woman taken off life support in a landmark "right to die" case stopped breathing and was declared dead yesterday, nearly seven months after her respirator was removed.

The family of the 77 year old woman - who had been in the vegetable state since suffering brain damage in Febuary 2008 - had sued to force doctors to take her life support. The Supreme court sided with the family and the woman's respirator was removed on June 23.

She had continued breathing on her own after that, and the Severance Hospital continued to feed her fluids and nutritional supplements. Her condition started deteriorating late least month and she died of multiple organ failure yesterday afternoon, hospital spokesman Lee Sung Man said.

To take off or to continue with the life support is controversial. I am happy with the court's decision to remove the life support. My reasons are simple, if the chance of recovery is very slim, why waste all the hard earned money on medical fees. Worse still if the family is poor and has to borrow and stinge to save up for it.

I am not selfish and I am not thinking for the family only but I think this would be what the patient wanted if she was given a choice.

I also think that her family members would make a decision which is in her best interest. As a matter of fact, no one wants to see our family suffer. Furthermore, it is never easy for the family to make such heartwrenching decision.

I can understand why the doctors refused to take off the life support. May be they don't want to be "blamed" for killing the patient or some may not feel right to do it for some religious reasons. Whatever the reason may be, I think they should step into the patient's shoes and decide if what will be the best option for her. I would if I were the doctor.

So much for my views, what is your stand?

Take off or continue with the life support ?

Will be good if you can drop a line or two to share your comments.

Till the next post, hope to hear from you!

5:36 PM

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